National Seminar on Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)
Over the years Tax deduction at Source (TDS) has emerged as a major tool of revenue collection in India. However, the way the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) dealing with the TDS are worded, taxpayers have to deal with several interpretational and procedural issues. Adding to the complexity is plethora of judicial rulings on these issues. This is a cause of concern both for the taxpayers and Revenue. While the taxpayers grapple with consequential issues of cash flow, disallowances, interest, penalty and long drew litigation. Revenue, apart from litigation, has to deal with administrative issues of refund processing.
In addition, the numerous compliance requirements add significantly to the compliance cost to the business. This is felt particularly in case of cross border payments. In case of non-residents there are further practical difficulties of extra- territorial application of the provisions, compliances and availability of Treaty benefits.
Need has been felt to deliberate on key issues on the various provisions and new developments relating to TDS. Therefore, ASSOCHAM with the support of Ministry of Finance is organizing a full day Seminar on Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) to provide guidance on various intricate provisions of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) coupled with various obligations cast on the Tax Payer.
Date: 11th December, 2012
Venue: Hotel Royal Plaza, Ashoka Road, New Delhi
Smt. M. Sailo, Chief Commissioner Income Tax (Delhi - I) has very kindly agreed to inaugurate the Seminar. We have also requested Smt. Anita Menon, DIT (TDS) and Smt. Punam K. Sidhu, DIT(IT) to share her/ his views with the industry. Commissioner Income Tax (TDS), Shri Arvind Kumar and other Eminent Speakers:
- Mr. Rahul Garg, Co-Chairman, ASSOCHAM National Council of Direct Tax
- Mr. Krishan Malhotra, Head - Tax, Amarchand & Mangaldas
- Mr. Sandeep Puri, Executive Director, PwC
- Mr. Rohit Anand, Vice President (Corporate Taxation), GE
- Mr. Praveen K. Agarwal, Director, Deloitte
- Mr. Himanshu Bhatia, Associate Director, Tax and Regulatory Services, E & Y
Issues to be discussed:
- Overview of TDS: covering rationale for TDS, TDS on different types of payments, the person making payment - agent of Government, practice followed in other countries, etc.
- TDS on payment to residents:- salary, payments to contractors, rent, commission, professional fees, etc
- Obligations of Payer & Rights of Recipients
- Practical aspects & key issues on TDS of Domestic Transactions
- Payment to Non Resident & Domestic Transfer Pricing Practical Issues
- Tax on Perquisites
- TDS on Acquisition - s.194LA
- Software Income and Royalty-s.9(1)(vi)
- Recent changes in TDS procedures
Registration Fees:
Rs. 3,000/- per delegate (Registration form attached, 10% discount for two or more persons from the same organization)
- Mr. Avinash Sharma +91-9811524976 /
- Mr. Ankit Raghav +91-9999068767 /
- Mr. Akshat Agarwal +91-9873847923 /
- Mr. Ankush Varshney +91-8800327926 /
- Mr. Krishan Sharma +91-8512072265 /
The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
ASSOCHAM Corporate Office, 1, Community Centre Zamrudpur
Kailash Colony, New Delhi - 110 048
Phone: 46550555 (Hunting Line)
Fax: 46536481/46536482 46536497/46536498
Download Registration Form