Melbourne Journal of International Law: Call for Papers
The Melbourne Journal of International Law ('MJIL') is a peer reviewed academic publication edited and managed by a team of law students at the Melbourne Law School.
Types of Submissions:
MJIL welcomes the following types of submissions:
- Articles: A detailed exploration of topical international law issues. The word length should be in the vicinity of 10 000 words (including an abstract of up to 250 words), although we do accept both shorter and longer articles (up to 20 000 words in length).
- Case Notes: An examination of developments in recent case law. The word length should be in the vicinity of 5000-8000 words.
- Commentaries: Discussion of significant and recent international law developments and their practical implications. The word length should be in the vicinity of 5000-8000 words.
- Book Reviews: MJIL publishes book review essays which should be approximately 5000 words in length. Book review essays provide a brief summary of the contents of the book and, most importantly, place the book in the context of current trends or debates.
All submissions must be fully referenced (footnotes are not included in word counts) and be relevant for an international audience of legal practitioners, academics and students.
Please send an electronic copy of your submission, preferably in Microsoft Word format, to the Editors.
MJIL publishes two issues per year in June and November. The deadlines for submissions are 31st January and 2nd July respectively.
Melbourne Journal of International Law
Melbourne Law School
University of Melbourne
VIC 3010 Australia
Phone: +61-3-8344 7913
Facsimile: +61-3-8344 9774
Download Submission Policy