Bar Examination postponed by three months until 6th March 2011
Bar Council of India (BCI) members passed a resolution in the absence of chairman Gopal Subramanium (who was abscent due to ill health) to postpone the Bar Council Exam by three months until 6th March 2011.
The main reason for postponing the exam was because a large number of students had not yet received written bar exam materials and because members proposed greater involvement of state bar councils. It was projected that from next year the BCI would select up to six state bar councils, whose chairmen would then jointly set the paper.
It is decided that Rainmaker would continue running this first exam but the company would not be selected to run the second exam. A number of other issues, such as closures of law schools were also discussed by the BCI members at the meeting.
The deadline to apply for the bar exam is Monday, 15 November.