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Nirma University Law Journal (Volume II, Issue II): Call for Papers

The Nirma University Law Journal aims to encourage writings that are inter-disciplinary in nature, expounding contemporary issues across disciplines like Sociology, Political Science, Public policy and Economics in the context of Law. The journal would be a biannual publication showcasing contemporary issues and challenges specific to law; with an inter-disciplinary approach towards knowledge. It is the endeavor of the Institute to become the beacon of legal education by encouraging synthesis of knowledge and best practices cutting across academia and research fraternity.

The Journal Committee of Institute of Law, Nirma University hereby invites articles/ research papers, case studies, executive experience sharing and book reviews on Law and allied areas for publication in Nirma University Law Journal (ISSN 2249-1430).

It can be on inter-disciplinary study reflecting socio-economic and political ideas or contemporary issues.

Articles / Case Comments / Book Reviews:
The Journal invites Articles, Case Comments or Book Reviews pertaining to law and allied areas. The write up should be a comprehensive review of current/contemporary relevant legal issue(s)/question(s) that need to be analyzed and presented. It must be clear on the topic dwelt upon and lucidly presented without any ambiguity. The author's stand on the issue(s) should be expressed with clarity.

The article should aim at understanding the issue(s) of current/contemporary legal importance. The word limit for the submission is 4000 - 6000 words, exclusive of footnotes and abstract.

Notes and Comments:
Notes and Comments may include a brief analysis of a recent judicial pronouncement, legislation, book or any legal issue of relevance. The word limit for the submission is 2000 words, exclusive of footnotes and abstract.

Submission Guidelines:
All submissions must be accompanied by a covering letter stating the title, author's full name, university and year of study and the author's contact details. Only the covering letter should contain the above mentioned details and not the manuscript.

Submissions must be in MS Word.

  • Main Text - Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 spacing, justified, with a margin left 1.5 inch and right 1.0 inch, top 1inch and bottom 1 inch. The first line of the paragraph is not to be indented.
  • Foot Notes - Times New Roman, font size 10. Substantive foot notes are accepted.
  • Length of the Paper/Articles/Case Studies - The length of the paper including tables, diagrams, illustrations, etc, should not exceed 6000 words. Short communications, book reviews, case studies/executive experience sharing, etc. should not exceed 4000 words; however, the Editorial Board reserves the right to make changes to this condition. All tables, charts, graphs, figures etc. should be kept to the minimum. They should be given on separate sheets with sources indicated at the bottom.
  • Abstract - The typescript should be accompanied by an abstract in about 200 words along with a declaration that the paper has not been published or sent for publication elsewhere.
  • A soft copy of the transcript in PC compatible MS Word document format should be emailed to the editor at:

The entries must reach latest by 15th December, 2012 (4:00 pm). No hard-copy is required.

Mr. Arun Prasad
NULJ Convener
Phone: +91-9276858980

Mr. Rhishikesh Dave
Phone: +91-9825990509

Ms. Rupa Pathakji
Phone: +91-9898748299

The Editor in Chief,
Nirma University Law Journal,
Institute of Law, Nirma University
S.G. Highway, Ahmedabad - 382 481

Download Editorial Policy

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