1st Magna Carta National Legal Essay Writing Competition & National Legal Seminar 2012
The 1st Magna Carta National Essay Writing Competition, 2012 organized by M.S. Ramaiah College of Law will be held on 3rd November, 2012 followed by a National Legal Seminar.
The 1st Magna Carta National Legal Essay Writing Competition, 2012 is open to Undergraduate students of Law (both 3-yr and 5-yr L.L.B) from any recognized University in India. Each participant shall be permitted to submit only one entry.
However, there can be submission of multiple entries from a particular college. Each must be registered separately. Joint entries are permitted. But joint authorship is permitted upto 2 persons only.
Topics for the Essay
The participants are expected to write essay on any ONE of the following topics:
- Reservation in Promotion of SCs/STs in Administrative Services'.
- 'Extent of Judiciary's intervention in Government Policies'.
- 'Limitation on Publication of Judicial Proceedings and its effect on Freedom of Press'
The Registration Fee for the competition is Rs.100 per entry. The Registration Fee should be sent in the form of a demand draft in favour of Principal, M.S. Ramaiah College of Law, Bangalore payable at Bangalore to M.S. Ramaiah College of Law, 4th Floor, Multipurpose Block, M.S.R.I.T Campus, Bangalore - 54. Pin- 560054 before 15th October, 2012.
Submission Guidelines:
Submission must not exceed 5000 words (inclusive of footnotes). It must be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words. The abstract must be written in the first page of the submission followed by the essay in the next page in the same document.
All entries shall be considered to be the property of MAGNA CARTA which reserves the right of publication of the same in any book, journal, or in any other manner as it may deem appropriate, without providing any royalty or compensation.
The last date of submission is 24th October, 2012 latest by 23:59 hours Indian Standard Time.
- Essays must not be longer than 5,000 words.
- All submissions must be in Times New Roman, 12 Font Size, 1.5 Line Spacing and Headings/Titles must be in Capital.
- Submissions can only be made online, in English. All submissions are to be electronically mailed ONLY to msrcl.magnacarta@gmail.com
- Entries will be accepted only in PDF format.
- Entries should be accompanied by the Registration form duly filled in with the author/s name, mailing address, telephone, and e-mail address; name, address of the institution where the student is enrolled, year of study and word count of the essay.
- All participants must include the registration form provided herewith. The form should be signed by the Principal of the institution to which the Participants belong along with the Seal of the Institution. A scanned copy of the Registration Form must be submitted along with the essay.
Ms. Vidyashree,
Phone: 09972688700
Mr. Nyamath Khan,
Phone: 09972392853
M.S. Ramaiah College of Law
4th Floor, Multipurpose Block,
M.S.R.I.T Campus,
Bangalore - 560054
Phone: 080-23602926, 080-65708015, 080-23606909 Ext.107
Fax: 080-23601446
Email: msrcl.magnacarta@gmail.com
Website: http://www.msrcl.org
Download Poster, Essay Competition Rules, Registration Form