6th Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court Competition
The Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court "International Investment Protection Law" is organised by the Wilhelm Merton Centre for European Integration and International Economic Order. The Wilhelm Merton Centre aims at enhancing research and education in the field of, inter alia, international economic law. The Centre seeks to achieve this goal through cooperation with partners located in the Frankfurt am Main area.
Date: 18th - 22nd March, 2013
- Team Eligibility: All law schools are eligible to participate in the competition. Students must be enrolled full-time or part-time in a program of study leading to the equivalent of a State exam or a LLB.
- Eligibility of Master and Ph.D. (D.Phil.) students and students who are registered in a bar association: Students who are enrolled in a program of a study leading to a Master of Law degree are eligible to compete in the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court only with the prior written permission of the organisers.
- Students enrolled in a Ph.D. program are not eligible. Students who are or were ever registered in a bar association are not eligible.
- Number of team members: A team may consist of two, three or maximum four student team members, plus one additional team coach, which can also be a student. At least two of the team members have to plead in each pleading. The team coach is not allowed to intervene in the pleadings.
- Each team must complete a registration form and submit the form by the deadline determined below. In addition, each Team must designate a Team Coach. Each University may register only one team. No fees are charged for participation as team in the competition.
- The overall number of participating teams/universities is limited to 36 teams. The first 36 teams, which send us the completed registration form, will be accepted. Due to an adequate geographical representation, the number of participating teams from each country is limited to 6 teams.
- In countries with more than six registered national teams, participation in the Pre-Moot Court is mandatory. Only the best six teams from the Pre-Moot Courts will be eligible to participate in Frankfurt. Please send the scanned registration forms as attachment via email to mootcourt@jura.uni-frankfurt.de.
Team registrations must be submitted to the organisers from 1st September, 2012 until 14th December, 2012. No changes may be made to team members after this date. The skeleton arguments must be submitted to the Wilhelm Merton Centre until 15th February, 2013 via email.
Phone: +49 (0) 69 / 21 23 08 08
Fax: +49 (0) 69 / 21 24 05 12.
Email: mootcourt@jura.uni-frankfurt.de, info@infofrankfurt.de
Website: www.frankfurt-tourismus.de
Download Registration Form