Certificate / Diploma Courses on Competition Policy & Law
The enforcement of Competition Law and its pervasive presence across the sectors and business functions is creating a high demand for competition compliance. This has led CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition (CIRC) and National Law University, Delhi (NLUD) to collaborate to offer these courses on Competition Policy and Law (CPL).
CPL courses are specially designed for practitioners, working professionals and students of Law, Business Management, Economics, Chartered Accountancy (CA) and Company Secretaryship (CS), to acquire deep understanding and knowledge of competition law and related issues.
Two courses are being offered by CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition (CIRC) and National Law University, Delhi (NLUD).
- Certificate Course on Competition Policy and Law
- Diploma Course on Competition Policy and Law
The Certificate Course in Competition Policy and Law is a fundamental course dealing primarily with markets and business laws, competition policy and law, in general, and the Competition Act, 2002 as amended in detail. The certificate course also covers fundamentals of Economics essential for studying competition law.
The Diploma Course in Competition Policy and Law is an advanced course dealing, in detail, with topics related to abuse of dominance, anti-competitive agreements, and regulation of combination across select jurisdictions. The participants of Diploma course are exposed to emerging issues such as: interface between IPRs and competition law, cross border issues, and issues related to business strategy.
The courses, duly accredited by the National Law University, Delhi, are designed to deliver knowledge and skills relating to Competition Policy and Law to the participants and open up new employment opportunities in Competition Authorities, Regulatory Bodies, Law Firms, Businesses, Research Bodies, etc.
The following criteria will be followed while admitting participants to both the courses:
- A Graduate in any discipline from a university/institution recognised by the UGC or any other regulatory body.
- OR -
- A student in final year of graduation in any discipline from a university/institution recognised by the UGC or any other regulatory body (Subject to successful completion of graduation within specified timeline).
- OR -
- A student who has completed first three years of graduation of a five year integrated programme
- OR -
- An International student who has graduated from a recognized university. (Regarding the recognition status of the foreign university, the student should produce the relevant document/declaration at the time of admission, and such admissions will be subject to due approval).
The registration for the courses will be open till 30th September, 2012. The registration and admission to the courses shall be subject to the candidate's fulfilling the eligibility norms and the approval of CIRC and NLUD.
Application Procedure:
Applications complete in all respects can be submitted by 30th September, 2012 either in person or sent by post, to CIRC or NLUD.
Course Outline:
First four modules form part of the Certificate Course on Competition Policy and Law. All the eight modules would be covered in the Diploma Course on Competition Policy and Law.
Module 1: Markets and Business Laws
- Unit 1: Markets and Competition
- Unit 2: Introduction to Business Laws
- Unit 3: Introduction to Competition Law
Module 2: Competition Policy and Evolution of Competition Law
- Unit 1: Introduction to Competition Policy
- Unit 2: Competition Policy And Economic Development
- Unit 3: Evolution of Competition Law in India and Other select Jurisdictions
Module 3: Indian Competition Act-Introduction
- Unit 1: Competition Act, 2002 (As amended)
- Unit 2: Enforcement Framework of the Competition Act, 2002
- Unit 3: Economics for Competition Law
Module 4: Indian Competition Act - Substantive Provisions
- Unit 1: Regulation of Abuse of Dominance in India
- Unit 2: Regulation of Agreements in India
- Unit 3: Regulation of Combinations in India
Module 5: Abuse of Dominance across Jurisdictions
- Unit 1: Regulation of Abuse of Dominance in the United States
- Unit 2: Regulation of Abuse of Dominance in the European Union
- Unit 3: Regulation of Abuse of Dominance in South Africa
Module 6: Anti-Competitive Agreements across Jurisdictions
- Unit 1: Regulation of Agreements in the United States
- Unit 2: Regulation of Agreements in the European Union
- Unit 3: Regulation of Agreements in South Africa
Module 7: Regulation of Combinations across Jurisdictions
- Unit 1: Regulation of Combinations in the United States
- Unit 2: Regulation of Combinations in the European Union
- Unit 3: Regulation of Combinations in South Africa
Module 8: Emerging Issues in Competition Law
- Unit 1: IPRs and Competition Law
- Unit 2: Cross-border issues in Competition Law
- Unit 3: Business strategy and Competition Law
CUTS Institute for Regulation & Competition
R-75, First Floor, Greater Kailash-1
New Delhi - 110048
Phone: 011-26463021/22/23, +91-9871392562, +91-9868591888
Fax: +91.11.40535921
Email: courses@circ.in
Website: www.circ.in/cpl
The Registrar
National Law University, Delhi
Sector 14, Dwarka,
New Delhi - 110078
Phone: 011-28034993, 28034257
Email: info@nludelhi.ac.in
Website: www.nludelhi.ac.in
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