Surana and Surana International Tort Law Moot Court Competition 2012
The All New "Surana & Surana International Tort Law Moot Court Competition" will be organized in association with AKK New Law Academy, Pune.
Date: 7th - 9th December 2012
Venue: AKK New Law Academy, Pune
Aim and Purpose:
The Surana & Surana International Tort Law Moot Court Competition has been conceived to:
- Create awareness on the Law of Torts in a systematic / scientific manner and train participants for effective practice
- Facilitate the evolution of TORT LAW through the jurisprudential analysis of the existing law and consequential emergence of new laws in the world.
- The competition is open for law students interested in contributing to the development of laws, regulations and jurisprudence regarding the rights of minorities, and
- Participants should be currently pursuing their bachelors degree in law i. e. 3 Year LL.B. Programme or 5 Year LL.B. Programme
Team Composition:
- Each team shall consist of a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 members. This number cannot be modified under any circumstances.
- There can be 2 speakers and 1 researcher designated in each team. Teams shall identify such speakers and researcher during registration.
- Each team will have a team code and each participant shall be given an individual code. Teams shall not disclose their identity or that of their institution or city, etc.; such disclosure shall invite penalties including disqualification. The decision for the same shall be at the discretion of the Administrator
Communication should be sent in the prescribed form duly signed by the Principal to A.K.K. New Law Academy, 2390B, K.B Hidayatullah Road, Azam Campus, Off Shankar Sheth Road, Pune - 411 001, and a copy by e-mail to and marked as SURANA & SURANA INTERNATIONAL TORT LAW MOOT 2012 REGISTRATION as the subject.
Teams must register by 20th November, 2012
Dr. S. Ravichandran
Advocate & Head, Academic Initiatives
A.K.K. New Law Academy
2390B K.B. Hidayatullah Road,
Azam Campus, Camp,
Off. Shankar Sheth Road,
Pune - 411001
Phone: 020-26442068
Fax: 020-26435959
Download Invitation, Moot Problem, Rules