Stetson International Environmental Law Moot Court Competition 2010-11
The 2010 Stetson (India) will have India South & India North Rounds. The competition will be held in two phases:
India South: 12th - 14th Nov, 2010 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
India North: 26th - 28th Nov, 2010 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
Day 1: Inauguration, registration, orientation and draw of lots
Day 2: Preliminary rounds & Quarter Finals
Day 3: Semi Finals (forenoon), Final (afternoon) followed by valediction and prize distribution
Last date of registration: 31st October, 2010
Every team will argue at least once for Applicant as well as Respondent in the preliminary rounds. The time limit is 30 minutes per team for Preliminary & (quarters, if required) and 45 minutes per team for Semi Finals and Final. The time covers oral arguments and rebuttals. Each team can have two speakers and one researcher. Two additional members (total 5) may accompany the team, but will not participate in the proceedings. All members will be awarded participation certificates. Additional members will be given participation certificates only even if their teams win in any category.
The rules concerning the memorials format and page / word limit are same as that of the International Rounds, which can be found in the rules and regulations available in the website
Six copies of memorials each (6 Applicant and 6 Respondent) + soft copy on a CD (both Applicant & Respondent memorial may be in the same CD) MUST be submitted during registration at the venue (Non submission will attract penalty). Soft copy of both Applicant & Respondent memorials (only 2 complete files) is to be sent by email in MS Word format to One advance hard copy of each (Applicant & Respondent) has to reach the Principal / Moot in-charge, of the host institution, latest by 5 November 2010 (for both rounds) for the purpose of evaluation. Late submissions will attract penalty of 1 point per memorial for each day of delay.
The Winner and Runner-up team of India South & North (total 4 teams) will represent India in the World finals on 17th - 20th March, 2011, at University of Maryland School of Law, Maryland. The organizers would provide accommodation and food for only 3 participants per team during the competition. Additional members if any, must make their own arrangements. Accommodation details (with address phone nos.) after finalization will be posted on the website Contact details of moot in charge and volunteers in charge will be provided in this website once it is finalized.
Download Registration Form, Rules and Regulations