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GNLU International Conference on Trade and Competition Law (GICTCL) - 2012

With the exponential growth of regularized Intellectual Property Rights trade agreement both in the domestic and international markets has lead to the need of scrutinizing the competitive implementations of TRIPS.

While fair competition can lead to a thriving economy and consumer satisfaction, anti-competitive practices though enriching for the practitioners undermines entrepreneurship and generates a significant social cost.

These reasons necessitate the existence of exhaustive competition laws which are adequate enough to deal with contemporary and future scenarios of competitive malpractices. Hence there is a need to deliberate and formulate new legal guidelines. Developing nations need to have better knowledge on the legal, judicial, practical institutions and mechanisms employed by the governments and commercial ventures of the advanced nations in combating the challenges of anti competitive and closed markets.

International trade has become a global phenomenon as envisaged by WTO; which necessitates the scrutiny of the policies of WTO and their contemporary implications. Therefore, international trade now requires multi-faceted tools for regularizing it, the most recent endeavor being Free Trade Agreements. The trickledown effect of international trade is now also visible in Private Commercial Transactions.

Date: 29th - 30th September, 2012
Venue: Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Aims of the Conference:

  • To study the various commercial agreements in the ambit of Competition Law.
  • To scrutinize the role of trade combinations and abuse of dominance in creating anti-competitive atmosphere in the markets.
  • To discuss the adequacy of Competition Law in degenerating anti-competitive practices.
  • To discuss the effect of implementation of TRIPS on competition in markets.
  • To analyze the current trends in the competition law and the changes required owing to the unique socio-economic conditions of India.
  • To deliberate upon essentiality of WTO in regularizing and liberalizing international trade and analyzing the efficacy of Free Trade Agreements.
  • To confer upon the role played by statutory bodies in promoting free trade in India.
  • To delve into the arena of cross border talks in respect of private commercial transactions.
  • To analyze the role of WTO in promoting liberal trade and delving into the sphere of international trade transactions.
  • To provide platform for networking and building a nexus between statutory bodies and private institutions in the arena of competition law and international trade respectively.

Registration Fee:

  • Participants from India: INR 3000
  • Foreign participants from developed countries: USD 75
  • Foreign participants from developing countries: USD 60

Call for Papers:


  • Evolving Framework of International Trade Law in the 21st Century: GATT/WTO a Forerunner?
  • WTO and Free Trade Agreements: A Developing Economy Analysis.
  • Competitive Implementation of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights.
  • Cross Border Trade: Regulatory Aspects of Private Commercial Transactions.
  • Horizontal Agreements- Menace to be curbed.
  • Vertical Agreements- relationships to be explored.
  • Abuse of Dominance.
  • Combinations - Mergers and Joint Ventures.

Important Dates:

  • Last date for abstract submission: 25th August, 2012
  • Last date for submission of full paper: 20th September, 2012

Submission Guidelines:
Entries should have a cover page containing the following:
Full name; Institution/Organization/University & Professional/Educational details; and Email address & telephone number.

Entries should be submitted in .doc (Word) format with the following specifications:

  • Font Type: Garamond
  • Spacing: 1.5 inch spacing in justified format.
  • Font Size: 16 points for Title, 14 points for Subtitle and 12 points for Text.
  • Citation Method: Chicago Manual of Style (15' Edition). Oxford Limit: 3000

Paper must be sent to One co-authorship is permitted, subject to his/her registration; and only one author is allowed to present the paper.

Mr. Soaham Bajpai
Phone: +91-8128650845

Gujarat National Law University,
Attalika Avenue, Knowledge Corridor, Koba,
Gandhinagar - 382007, Gujarat
Phone: + 91-79-23287156/57/58

Download Brochure, Registration Form

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