Patent & Copyright issues related to: Software, Electronics, Telecommunication, Business Methods & Network Computing
Institute of Intellectual Property Research & Development (IIPRD) with the support of BIRCH STEWART KOLASCH & BIRCH LLP, USA, CARPMAELS & RANSFORD, UK and & KHURANA & KHURANA, Advocates & IP Attorneys presents One day Symposium on atent & Copyright issues related to: Software, Electronics, Telecommunication, and Business Methods & Network Computing with focus on: Indian, European & United States Scenario.
Date & Venue:
4th Oct, 2012 - Hotel Hilton, Andheri East, Mumbai
5th Oct, 2012 - Hotel Claridges, Aurangzeb Road, New Delhi
Event Details:
Intellectual Property has become a core part of existing economic system in business world and exploitation of patent & copyright portfolio has become an industry in itself, particularly in software, electronics and telecommunication industry. As the value of Intellectual Property particularly real inventions being so large and are not directly related to the cost of development, hence it is crucial to understand important patent issues, not only for patent holders but also for entities under the threat of potential patent and copyright infringement.
Therefore it is important for corporate and concerned stakeholders to understand the nitty-gritty's of patent portfolio creation, protection, management, and commercialization, without which there would always remain an open door for a serious blow either from an infringement perspective or from a patent invalidation perspective. At the same time we need to understand that patents are not only the dictate of large business establishments but can also provide a great lead to small and medium business establishments, which have given the whole business a new paradigm.
Exclusivity rights granted through patents and copyrights can only be utilized if there is comprehensive knowledge of various patent and copyright related issues, more so when the National Patent Laws & Practices relating to prosecution practices, drafting practices, examination practices, and enforcement practices differ substantially across geographies particularly for Software domain.
Furthermore, standards for protection and enforcement as applied by different National judiciaries often vary widely and therefore in the global business scenario, besides understanding of patent laws and practices prevalent in India we also need to understand the practices in economically and financially important geographies such as United States and Europe.
It is in this direction that the International Symposium is being organized to impart comprehensive knowledge to understand the nitty-gritty of Patent Regime related to software, electronics and telecommunication industry for exploitation of exclusivity rights granted through patents & copyrights to the best advantage of the Indian corporate.
Ms. Meenakshi Khurana,
Phone: 91-9910307992, +91-120-2342010
Fax: +91-120-2342011
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