Journal on Governance: Call for Papers
Ever since its inception, the Journal on Governance has highlighted and debated upon the changing face of Corporate Governance in India while keeping pace with the world. The journal aims to serve as a platform for analyzing the evolution of the governance scenario in our country. In keeping with this objective, the Board of Editors is pleased to announce Emerging Trends in Corporate Governance as the theme for the Journal's next issue. (Vol. 1 No. 6)
The idea of Corporate Governance in India has outgrown an oblivion existence and reached a crucial stage in light of the emerging worldwide country specific trends and the Companies Bill 2011. The Companies Bill 2011 along with other fundamental changes in India's Corporate Law jurisprudence seeks to define a Director's office, responsibilities, and his work in a much more comprehensive manner than ever before.
The Bill has further incorporated a varied approach towards governance especially by including specific provisions for director's remuneration; reservation on board for women directors; duties of directors and by discussing the role and scope of Independent Directors in a greater detail. E-governance and Annual Reports have also been recognized and institutionalized. Also, in light of the proposed General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR) the connection between tax and governance has come to the forefront in India.
In light of these changes, developments and emerging concepts around the world, the Board of Editors invite "Articles", "Notes" and "Comments" for the upcoming issue of Journal on Governance on the following sub-themes:
- Directors Remuneration
- Reservation for Women Directors
- Directors' Responsibility and Ensuing Liabilities
- E-Governance
- Mandatory Regulation versus Voluntary Compliance
- Implications of the GAAR
Submission Guidelines:
- The acceptable length of Articles is 5000 words, and of notes and comments is 3000 words, including footnotes.
- The Article should be on A4 sized paper, in Times New Roman Font Type, font size 12, 1.5 line Spacing and 1 inch margins on each side.
- Authors should follow Harvard Blue Book Footnoting style.
- Footnotes should be in font size 10 and with single line spacing.
- The submission must be the original work of the authors. Any form of plagiarism will lead to direct rejection. The relevant sources should be duly acknowledged as footnotes. The decision of the reviewers in this regard shall be final.
Submission Details:
- Authors are requested to send an electronic version of their manuscripts (.doc or .docx format) to with the subject as "Submission".
- Authors should provide their contact details, designation and institutional affiliation in the covering letter for the submission.
- All submissions must include an abstract of not more than 300 words, explaining the main idea, objective of the article and the conclusions drawn from it.
Submission deadline for the Article, Notes and Comments is on the 28th September, 2012.
Prof. (Dr.) U.R. Daga
Director, Centre for Governance
National Law University,
NH-65, Nagaur Road, Mandore
Jodhpur - 342 304, Rajasthan
Phone: +91-291-2577530, 2577526
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