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Indian Journal of Law, Technology and Public Policy: Call for Papers

The Indian Journal of Law, Technology and Public Policy (IJLTPP) is a refereed online journal published quarterly by the Centre of Law, Technology and Public Policy, Ghaziabad Uttar Pradesh.

The Indian Journal of Law, Technology and Public Policy (IJLTPP) aspires to become a leading referred law journal in the global market by proving a platform for scholarly debate on issues affecting India and its international relations.

IJLTPP invites articles, notes, comments, book reviews on contemporary legal issues or policy matters related with technological development and regulation for the inaugural issue from the faculty and students of law Universities/Departments in India and abroad.


  • Abstract: All submissions should be accompanied by an abstract of about 200 words outlining the central argument(s) of the paper.

  • Copyright: Authors warrant that papers submitted for publication do not infringe the copyright of another person or organization. Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, authors will be required to sign a copyright agreement with the IJLTPP. The copyright in all published papers shall be vested in the IJLTPP.

  • Cover Page: In order to facilitate the anonymous review process, authors must mention names, contact details and affiliations only on the cover page of the manuscript.

  • Editing: All manuscripts will undergo a rigorous editing process, including a verification of references and citations to ensure accuracy. Editors reserve the right to make appropriate changes to the substance and format of all the papers accepted for publication.

  • Plagiarism Check: All papers submitted for the publication will be scrutinized through plagiarism software. In case of copying or dishonest practice author will be exclusively responsible for legal action.

  • English: We follow the British spelling and punctuation conventions.

  • Exclusive submission policy: Authors must declare if they have submitted the paper for publication elsewhere. Editorial board as a policy of integrity prefers exclusive submission declaration.

  • Font Size and Style: Kindly use Times New Roman 12 point for the main text and 10 point for footnotes.

  • Gender: The IJLTPP encourages the use of gender neutral language.

  • Headings: The following styles should be applied to the headings

    • First Level Heading [14 pts, caps bold, centre]
    • Second Level Heading [12 pts, small bold, centre]
    • Third Level Heading [12 pts, italics, left-aligned]

  • Length: The total length of manuscripts (including the footnotes) should not generally exceed 8000 words. Articles should generally be between 4500-8000 words and notes/comments between 2500-4500 words. We may, however, accept a longer submission if work is qualitative and relevant for public policy.

  • References: Footnotes (rather than endnotes) should be used in accordance with the OSCOLA Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities Fourth Edition, available at:

  • Review Process: All papers will be reviewed anonymously by a panel of three reviewer and Editorial Board. Every submission will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Authors will be notified about the status of their papers in about 4 weeks from the date of submission. Requests for expedited review will not be entertained.

  • Substance: Papers should make an original contribution to legal scholarship by making a cohesive argument supported with appropriate authorities.

  • Title: The title of the paper should be precise but at the same time indicative of its content. The title must be mentioned both on the cover page and the page thereafter.

  • Quotations/Quotation Marks: Quotations over 50 words should be indented. Single quotation marks should be used; double quotation marks should be used only for quotes within a quotation.

All manuscripts should be sent as a Microsoft Word attachment to or

Indian Journal of Law, Technology and Public Policy (IJLTPP)
C84/ F 5 Shalimar Garden Ext. II
Sahibabad, Ghaziabad - 201005, Uttar Pradesh
Phone: +91-9818826085

Download Oxford Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA) - Fourth Edition

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