The Socio-Legal Review: Call for Submissions
The Socio-Legal Review welcomes contributions for its ninth volume to be released in 2013.
The Socio-Legal Review (SLR) is a student-edited, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal published by the Law and Society Committee of the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. SLR aims to be a forum that involves, promotes and engages students and scholars to express and share their ideas and opinions on themes and methodologies relating to the interface of law and society. The Journal thus features guest articles by eminent scholars as well as student essays, providing an interface for the two communities to interact. From 2012, SLR has become a biannual publication from an annual publication.
The Journal subscribes to an expansive view on the interpretation of "law and society" thereby keeping its criteria for contributions simply that of high academic merit, as long as there is a perceivable link. This would include not just writing about the role played by law in social change, or the role played by social dynamics in the formulation and implementation of law, but also writing that simply takes cognizance of legal institutions/ institutions of governance/administration, power structures in social commentary, and so on. Through this effort, the Journal also hopes to fill the lacunae relating to academic debate on socio-legal matters among law students.
Guidelines for Submission:
The Editorial Board has refrained from imposing a theme. A submission is welcome as long as it fits within the general mandate of the Journal.
- Contributions should be mailed only in a soft copy to, the subject of the mail being 'Submission for 2013 Volume'. Biographical information is to be provided in a removable title page.
- The Journal is accepting contributions for Articles and Short Articles. With reference to Articles, contributions should not ordinarily exceed 8000 words. With reference to Short Articles, contributions should not ordinarily exceed 5000 words. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject without review manuscripts that exceed the word limit substantially.
- The Journal also accepts Book Reviews and Notes from the Field. The latter includes shorter pieces designed to provide a glimpse into a new legal strategy, political initiative or advocacy technique applied in the field, a current problem or obstacle faced in, legal reform or development work, or a new issue that has not yet received much attention and needs to be brought to light. Contributions should not exceed 3000 words.
- All submissions are to be made via e-mail as .doc or .docx documents.file. SLR follows the Harvard Blue Book - A Uniform System of Citation (19th edn.) style of referencing. Contributors are requested to comply with the same.
Important Dates:
The last date for submission for the first issue is 1st November, 2012 and the last date for submission for the second issue is 1st March, 2013. Submissions may, nevertheless, be made after these dates. They will be considered for publication in the issue to follow.
The Chief Editor,
Socio-Legal Review,
National Law School of India University,
Nagarbhavi, Bangalore - 560072