National Conference on Gender, Law and Social Transformation in India
The conference is organized by the Centre of Study of Social Exclusion & Inclusive Policy and Centre of Women's Studies, University Of Hyderabad.
Date: 17th - 18th September, 2012
Venue: Conference Hall, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad
- Constitutional Provisions and Women's Legal and Political Rights
- Workplace, Livelihood and Informal Sector
- Personal and Customary Laws
- Family, Marriage and Sexuality
- Domestic Violence and Violence against Women
- Anti-Human Trafficking Laws and Women's
Submission Details:
Abstract Submission Deadline: The participants are requested to send their abstracts by 1st August 2012 and full-length paper by 3rd September 2012.
The abstracts/ papers should be sent to the Organizing Secretary and Convenor RC 10 Gender Studies through the following emails:;
Fees & Registration:
Last Date for Registration: 1st August, 2012
- Students: Rs. 200/-
- RC 10 Members: Rs. 300/-
- Others: Rs. 400/-
Fees after the last date:
- Students: Rs. 300/-
- RC 10 Members: Rs. 400/-
- Others: Rs. 500/-
Registration Fees can be paid in cash or through Postal Order or Bank Draft to be drawn in favour of Prof. Abha Chauhan, Convenor RC 10 'Gender Studies', ISS and sent at: Department of Sociology, University of Jammu, Jammu - 180006 (J & K).
Convenor RC 10 'Gender Studies', ISS
Department of Sociology,
University of Jammu, Jammu - 180006
Phone: +91-9419797709
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