Federation of Indian Micro and Small & Medium Enterprises: Call for Papers
Call for Papers under Project 'MSMEs' IPR Exchange' being sponsored by Foreign Commonwealth Office (UK) through British High Commission, New Delhi.
Background Paper: "Identification and Valuation of IPRs in MSMEs"
Submission Procedure:
Stage-I Submission of Abstracts:
Authors are requested to submit an abstract of 400-500 words in English (in MS-Word, Font-Arial, Size- 12, 1.5 line spacing) detailing their understanding of problem and methodology to be used and along with their bio data. The abstract should reach latest by 16th June 2012.
Stage-II Submission of Final Research Paper:
Authors of shortlisted abstracts would be called for submission of final papers. The final paper should also be in English (in MS-Word, 5000 to 7000 words, Font-Arial, Size - 12, 1.5 line spacing) and should be sent in by 31st July 2012. The abstract of the final paper, usually not exceeding 200 words, should accompany the final paper and indicate the scope and method used in the paper, highlighting the principal findings and conclusions.
The manuscript can be submitted through e-mail with attachment through the following email ID: ipfc@fisme.org.in
Hard copy can be sent to:
The National Coordinator- IPFCs
Federation of Indian Micro and Small & Medium Enterprises
B-4/161, Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi -110029.
Tel: 011-26712064, 011-46023157
Recognition and Rewards:
- Research Excellence Award of Rs. 1,00,000/- will be given to the best Research Paper and consolation prizes for all shortlisted entries. The selection will be done by a jury comprising of IPR experts, officials from British High Commission, Govt. of India and industry.
- Paper to be published by FISME.
B-4/161, Safdarjung Enclave,
New Delhi - 110029
Phone: +91-11-46023157/46018592/26187948/26712064
Fax: +91-11-26109470
Email: info@fisme.org.in
Web: www.fisme.org.in
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