Gujarat Law Journal: Call for Papers
Gujarat Law Journal invites articles, short notes, commentary, literature survey, & books reviews, Case Studies from practitioners, members of judiciary, scholars, academicians, researchers and law students.
The work may be on any contemporary national or international legal issue in English language. It encourages, young scholars and practitioners, especially, to research and express scholarly views useful for the institutions of law-making, governance and judiciary of Gujarat and India at large.
Work must not have been published, submitted or accepted elsewhere. The final decision on publication is taken by the Editorial Board. The Board reserves the right to edit articles.
Article shall focus on any of the following themes:
- Emerging Legal issues in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Fraud in India
- New Forms of Corporate Governance in Infrastructure, Energy, Port, Defense, Sectors: Learning Lessons for Gujarat based Industry and PSUs
- Globalization and Mega Mergers & Acquisition and Effects on Gujarat
- Corporates Challenges of Corporate Management in Gujarat
- Corporate Law Disputes in Gujarat: Past, Present and Future
- Vibrant Gujarat Summits and Presence of Global Corporates and Emerging Legal Issues for Gujarat
Last Date for Submission of Full Paper: 15th April, 2012 (Maximum 4500 Words)
Intimation of Selection of Full Paper: 30th April, 2012
Submission Guidelines:
- Download "Academic and Research Integrity and Consent to Publish Policy Form".
- Take print out of the "Academic and Research Integrity and Consent to Publish Policy" Form fill according to the given instructions.
- Format your manuscript according to the instruction to author.
- Scan the completed "Academic and Research Integrity and Consent to Publish Policy" form and send along with your manuscript to the editor by email
Research articles should be divided into the following sections:
- Title:
The full title of the paper without abbreviations. The title should be informative as possible, specifying clearly the content of the article. Full names of authors and their affiliations, of all authors indicating the corresponding author in astriek mark (*).
- Paper Title:
- Capital Letters. 14 point type, Bold (Garamond)
- Author(s): Capitalize, 12 point type, Bold (Garamond)
- Affiliation(s): Word case, 10 point type (Garamond)
- Abstract:
- The abstract of the manuscript should not exceed 250 words.
- The abstract should include 5-6 Keywords
- Text:
- Text type should be 12 point Garamond. Text should be single spaced.
- Tables:
Tables must be numbered with Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text. They should have a brief descriptive title placed at the top. Footnotes can be included below the table. Table caption should be 12 point Garamond italic.
- Legends/Captions for figures:
Text type should be 12 point Garamond italic (eg; Figure 1. Caption). A caption should be provided for each figure. The legend should be typed into the manuscript, directly beneath the figure. Legends are to be listed in numerical order, labeled as "Figure 1", "Figure 2", etc.
- Book Review:
For Book Reviews, please mention all details of the Subject of the review clearly. You will need to specifically mention the Name of the Book itself, Name of Author, Name of the publisher, price, edition numbers and ISBN Number of the Book.
Dr. Bimal N. Patel,
Director, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar
Email: or
Download Notification, Call for Papers