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Asian Journal of Air and Space Law: Call for Papers

The Asian Journal of Air and Space Law (ISSN: 2250-1789) is a biannual peer-reviewed academic publication, which aims to provide a forum for the publication of articles in the fields of Air Law and Space Law, written primarily by experts from the region and elsewhere. The Journal is currently soliciting submissions for Volume II, Issue 1 which would be published in June, 2012.

Academicians, practitioners, researchers and experts from within the legal community and having a strong preference for articles that are not descriptive but prescriptive and argumentatively focused are welcomed. The submissions will go through a two-staged peer review process and if necessary, will also be edited by the Editorial Board. Please send your submissions by 31st March, 2012 under the categories mentioned below.

Submission Categories:
Submissions may be made under the following categories:

  • Articles: 6000 - 10000 words
  • Short Notes: 3000 - 6000 words
  • Book Reviews: 1000 - 2000 words

Note to Authors:
The prescribed word limits are inclusive of footnotes. However the longer articles shall be considered subject to the approval of the Editorial Board. Submissions are expected to be inconformity with the guidelines listed below. Kindly go through them carefully before mailing your submissions. We promptly acknowledge the receipt of submissions and a decision on publication takes a minimum of 4 - 6 weeks approximately.

Requests for expedited reviews can be forwarded to the Editorial Board when the submission is being considered for publication by other journals. In case of expedited review, please mention the name of the journal for which your article is under consideration along with the name and e-mail address of one contact person in the Editorial Board of that journal and a date by which you expect our response.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submissions are to be made in electronic form and should be sent to
  • Each contribution is expected to be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words. The abstract must highlight the importance of the issue, main arguments and the conclusions of the article. No abstract is required for short notes.
  • Authors should refrain from identifying themselves in their manuscripts. Details of author's qualifications, institutional affiliation and postal address must be sent in a separate page.
  • By submitting the article, the author is presumed to undertake a declaration to the effect that the article has not been published, submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere.

The authors are entirely responsible for accuracy of facts and citations. Though the editors would seek clarifications on contentious issues found by them, the journal does not have the staff to check the accuracy of all facts, quotations and citations; therefore this must remain as the sole responsibility of the author.

Dr. Sandeep Bhat B.,

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