Symbiosis Law School's Annual Cultural Fest - Symbhav
Symbiosis Law School is pleased to announce their annual cultural fest - Symbhav which will be held from 24th - 26th February, 2012..
- Client Counseling Competition:
The Competition simulates a law office consultation in which two law students, acting as lawyers (attorneys/solicitors/legal practitioners), are presented with a client matter. The students are given a brief written memorandum that identifies the general nature of the subject‐matter of the client's problem (e.g., that a client ants advice about a problem arising from the construction of a house, that the client is facing a shoplifting charge, etc.) before the interviews are held.
The students conduct an interview with a person playing the role of the client. Students are expected to elicit the relevant information from the client, explore with the client his or her preferred outcome, outline the nature of the problem, and present the client with a means (or range of alternatives, if appropriate) for resolving the problem. The interview with the client is then followed by a post‐consultation period during which the students, in the absence of the client, analyze the interview and discuss the legal and other work to be undertaken. The interview and post‐consultation period last a total of 45 minutes. The students are evaluated by a panel of judges, usually composed of two academicians /lawyers.
The students are evaluated against specific criteria that emphasize the use of listening, questioning, planning, and analytical skills in a lawyer/client interview. Once the judges have completed their evaluation of the interview, the students are called back in and the judges provide a brief critique of the team's handling of the consultation and post‐consultation periods.
- Negotiation:
Each participant will receive a set of common facts and a confidential briefing. They then prepare to negotiate an agreement with another team of students who will have received the same common facts but the confidential information for the other side.
The general set of facts will be released 4 hrs before the competition. Teams will come to know which party/client they are representing only 15 minutes before the round is to begin. They will receive the confidential information for their party/client only then. Each team will participate in a 20 minute negotiation session. The session will be followed by a 10‐minute self analysis period (5 minutes per team) in the presence of the judges.
A coin‐toss will be held before the negotiation session begins to decide which team goes in for self‐analysis first. Students will begin this 15‐minute period by answering, in the presence of the judges, the following questions: (1) In reflecting on the entire negotiation, if you were to be faced with a similar situation tomorrow, what would you do the same and what would you do differently? (2) How well did your strategy work in relation to the outcome? The team should also be prepared to respond to questions from the judges concerning the team's performance. In addition, the team may use this as an opportunity to explain why it chose a particular approach or even a specific tactic. The judges may take into consideration for scoring purposes anything said during this session.
The only previously prepared material that may be presented in the negotiation is a one‐page agenda for the negotiation. The agenda is limited to an identification or statement of issues for discussion. Participants may refer to their own notes during the negotiation. Use of previously blank paper during the 20‐minute negotiation session is allowed.
The organizers will inform the judges in case any team exceeds its time limit and it will be the discretion of the judges to deduct points (if any) for the violation.
- Extempore Moot Court Competition:
The Competition promotes greater knowledge and interest among law students in the advocacy skills of law practice. The Competition provides an opportunity for a valuable educational and cultural interchange between students, law teachers, and legal practitioners. There will be a two rounds of competition on the day of the competition‐ The reliminary Rounds and The Final Round. Based on the skills demonstrated in light of the ssessmen Criteria, the judges would then rank the teams. A Registration Fee of Rs. 200 per team has to be given at the time of registration of the team.
- Each Team shall consist of two members. Law students (pursuing LL.B. (3years) or B.A.LL.B. (5 years) course, are eligible to participate.
- The team can participate in all the three legal events or any of them.
- Only those teams that register and participate for all the three legal events would be eligible for the Overall Best Legal Event team.
Download Important Dates, Registration Form, Moot Competition, Client Counseling, Negotiation