GNLU's Book on Interdisciplinary Perspectives for a Food Secure World: Call for Papers
With a view to address the concerns of "Global Food Crisis", *the Centre for Food Security & Agro- Economy, Gujarat National Law University* is pleased to announce the call for papers for Volume 1 Issue 1, for the books titled "Interdisciplinary Perspectives for a Food Secure World" scholar and student edition respectively. The Book intends to capture the growing maturity and development of an area of research encapsulating Agriculture, Food Security and its multidimensional impact. This publication promises to be a vehicle for serious academic writing across the board.
The Editorial Committee is now accepting submissions for its first issue
Eligibility: Pursuing Undergraduate degree or Postgraduate Degree
- Last date for submission of abstract (1000-1500 words): 7th January, 2012
- Intimation of selection of abstract (5000-8000 words): 7th March, 2012
- Last date for submission of full papers: 7th March, 2012
- Intimation of selection of full papers: 16th March, 2012
Submissions must conform to the Chicago Manual of Style (15th Edition). The papers are to be submitted at
Legal Issues in Food Security:
- The new paradigm of Right to Food in India.
- Land Fragmentation and issue of Food Security.
- Model law for Gujarat in respect of Food Security.
- Judicial approaches to ensure Right to Food.
International Dimension to Food Security:
- Food Security impacts of Trade and Liberalisation.
- The Doha Round Negotiations on Agriculture Trade rules and their potential impact on Food Security.
- The interdependence between Urban and Rural Food Security in Asia.
- Global Agreements: Is convergence possible ?
Agro Business and Management issues in Food Security:
- Agri-business and Supply chain management.
- Distribution and Marketing of Agri-inputs.
- Food processing and packaging in Agri-business.
Supply Chain Management in Fresh Produce Retailing:
- Emerging Issues and Policy Options.
- Food, Agri-business & Livelihood: Case Studies with reference to specific regions.
- Marketing Reforms in India for linking farmers to markets.
Food Security Issues and the Tribal population:
- Regulatory and Governance issues relating to Genetically Modified Organisms in changing.
- Bio diversity and Food Security among Tribal's.
- Genetic modified crops and the indigenous food habits of Tribal's.
- Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas Act and the distribution of food.
- Agricultural research and development among the Tribal hinterland.
Economic Dimensions of Food Security:
- The Genesis, impact and solutions to Global Food Insecurity.
- Rural regeneration, an instrument towards Food Security.
- Green Jobs and Food Security.
- Food utilization dimensions of Food Security.
- Ecological Footprint and Sustainability indicators.
- Special Economic Zones and the Food Crisis.
Medico Scientific Dimensions to Food Security:
- Traditional agricultural knowledge and Farmer's Rights.
- Food safety and consumer choice policy.
- Agricultural Biotechnology: Is it an answer to Food Security ?
- Bio safety, Food safety and Food Security.
Submission Guidelines:
Entries can be co-authored. However, a maximum of two authors per entry are allowed.Submission shall contain a covering letter indicating Name of the
Author (s), Designation, Affiliation, E-mail id & Mobile number (for both the abstract & full paper).
Main text : Times New Roman font, in font size 12 with line spacing of 1.5 shall be followed.
Foot notes : Times New Roman font, in font size 10 with line spacing of 1 shall be followed.
Submissions must conform to the Chicago Manual of Style (15th Edition).All submissions must be word processed, and compatible with Microsoft Word 2003 and 2007.
Submissions shall be made to the Editorial Board at
Word Limit:
Abstract: 1000-1500 words
Full Paper: 5000-8000 words
Contact Details:
- For general queries, kindly email
- Dr. Ranita Nagar, Director, Centre for Food Security & Agro-Economy
- Mr. Vivek Dubey, Assistant Director, Centre for Food Security & Agro-Economy
- Alok Nayak, Student Convenor, Centre for Food Security & Agro-Economy
Phone: +91 9924222640, +91 7503694200
Download Scholar Edition Brochure, Student Edition Brochure