Journal of Hate Studies: Call for Papers
The Journal of Hate Studies is an international scholarly journal promoting the sharing of interdisciplinary ideas and research relating to the study of what hate is, where it comes from, and how to combat it. It presents cutting-edge essays, theory, and research that deepen the understanding of the development and expression of hate. The Journal aims to provide a deeper understanding of the processes that encourage the expression of hate so that methods of challenging and stopping its expression may be based on theory and research. The Journal reflects the optimism that as hate is understood, it can be contained and controlled allowing for persons to reach their full human potential without fear of retribution.
Writing and Content:
The Journal seeks articles written with precision and depth, and that are compelling for a wide audience. Articles accepted for publication are citation-based (APA style), with high quality underlying philosophical and psychological development of thought. A primary criterion for acceptance is the level to which the article enriches, extends, and advances the study and understanding of hate in its multiplicity of forms.
Call for Papers:
The Journal of Hate Studies welcomes original papers treating the theme, "Hate and Political Discourse", from a wide range of disciplines, including history, law, philosophy, political science, sociology, criminal justice, social psychology, economics, anthropology, geography, journalism, communications, rhetoric, literature, educational studies, and cultural studies.
Deadline: 15th March, 2012
Potential Topics:
- Hate and popular sovereignty
- How hate can foster alternative communities and movements
- Cultural foundations of hate
- Historical changes in rhetorical strategies
- Political parties and hate
- Necessary political conditions for hate
- Empirical approaches to the problem of hate
- The role of hate in nation-building
- How literature, rhetoric, journalism or other forms of communication can fuel or discourage hate
- Geographical differences in how hatred is sustained or combated
- Comparative approaches and cross-cultural challenges
- New technologies in combating or fomenting hatred in the realm of political discourse
They are anticipating to host an invitational Symposium in Fall 2012, either at American University or Gonzaga University, in conjunction with the publication of this Volume. Authors published in this Volume would be invited to present their work at the Symposium.
Submission Guidelines
Submissions are typically expected to be between 5,000 and 10,000 words. Submissions may be made in either of the following ways:
- As an attachment sent by email to
- Through the Journal's online site
Submissions should be made in MS Word format. Submissions should be presented in APA format, with endnotes rather than footnotes. However, legal scholarship may be presented in Bluebook or ALWD.
Robert L. Tsai, J.D.
Guest Editor,
Professor, American University Washington College of Law
John Shuford, J.D., Ph.D.
Director, Gonzaga University Institute for Hate Studies
Lecturer in Philosophy and Adjunct Professor of Law, Gonzaga University