International Congress of Environment Research
Organized by the Journal of Environmental Research and Development (JERAD) and Gujarat Pollution Control Board In collaboration with Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology
(SVNIT) on 15th to 17th Dec, 2011.
Theme: Environmental Research, Planning and Management
Different Sections of Theme:
Technology (T)
- Energy Policies: Global and Environmental Perspective
- Energy Efficient Systems
- Green Technologies and Sustainable Development
- Nano Science
- Application of Artificial Intelligence in Energy Systems
- Emerging Trends in Waste Management Technologies
- Facility Location in Environmental Context
- Environmental Supply Chain Management
- Bio-informatics and Chemo-Informatics
- Information Technology and Environmental Concern
- Researches in the field of Environmental, Chemical, Civil & Mechanical engineering
Physical Sciences (PS)
- Ocean Science, Earth Science and Environmental Science
- Marine Science and Industrial-drug science
- Toxicology and sustenance of life
- Petrochemical and Polymer Science
- Waste recycling
- Water (Surface and underground) pollution, air pollution and vehicular pollution.
- Researches in the field of Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics
Life Sciences (LS)
- Bio-Technology and Microbiology
- Agriculture and Forest Science
- Conservation of Biological resources
- Health and environment
- Researches in the field of Zoology, Botany, Bio-Chemistry and Medical Sciences
Social Sciences (SS-I)
- Community Participation in environmental protection
- Development Environment
- Development Journalism and Role of Media in Environmental protection
- Role of NGOs in the protection of environment
- Natural disaster and manmade disaster
- The human factor of environmental emergencies
- War and Environment
- Food Nutrition and dietetics in the protection of environment
- Researches in the field of Sociology, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Geography, Commerce, Drawing, Music, Dance, Philosophy, History and Languages concerning with environment
Law and Management (SS-II)
- Law and Environment
- Role of management in Environmental Protection
- Biodiversity, mapping and management
- Waste management
- Management of manmade disasters and natural disasters
- The human factor of environmental emergencies
- Researches in the field of law and management concerning with environment
- Environmental planning & management
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology (SVNIT)
Ichchhanath, Surat,
Gujarat, India
Contact Details:
International Congress of Environmental Research,
HIG-1/8, Shivani Complex, 6 No. Stop, Shivaji Nagar,
Bhopal - 462016, India
Phone: +91-755-4222030
Mobile: +91 9825138685, +91 9426185768, +230 947 5319, +66-89206-9970
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