3rd Government Law College International Law Summit 2012 - Call for Papers
SPIL (Students for Promotion of International Law) Mumbai, a student run endeavors to further the understanding of nature of International Relations and to promote a greater awareness and appreciation of International Law.
In pursuance of this SPIL is organizing the 3rd Government Law College International Law Summit from 3rd to 5th February, 2012.
Call for Papers:
All members of the legal fraternity, practitioners, professors and students are invited to present original academic works at the 3rd Government Law College International Law Summit.
Areas of Focus:
In keeping with the theme of the Summit, SPIL welcomes papers on all subjects within the broad spectrum of the theme. The realm of the theme will facilitate contributions on the following general subthemes:
- International Trade Law
- International Investment Law
- International Taxation
The Paper Proposal must be accompanied by an Abstract. The Proposal and Abstract shall not cumulatively exceed 500 words. Papers shall be of a minimum length of 2000 words, the aforementioned figure not inclusive of footnotes.
Format for the Paper:
- All papers must be typed and reproduced on a standard A4 paper (21 x 29 3/4
centimetres). The font and size of the text must be the same and must be in Times New
Roman 12-point.
- The text of the Paper must have one and a half spacing. However, text of footnotes and
headings may be single-spaced.
- Quotations of 50 words or more shall be block quoted (i.e. right and left indented) and may
be single-spaced.
- All pages shall have margins of at least one inch, or two point six (2.6) centimetres, on all
sides, excluding page numbers.
- All Citations must be in accordance with the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation.
Important Dates:
- Last date for registration and submission of paper proposal: 1st November, 2011
- Confirmation of acceptance: 10th November, 2011
- Submission of final paper: 20th December, 2011
To register for the International Law Summit 2012: registrations@spilmumbai.com
For information regarding the International Law Summit 2012: info@spilmumbai.com
S.P.I.L. Mumbai.
Government Law College,
A Road, Churchgate, Mumbai - 400020
Maharashtra, India
Web: http://spilmumbai.com/Summit2012.html
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