4th B. Krishna Memorial National IP Moot Court Competition, 2012
Symbiosis Law School, Pune in association with Krishna and Saurastri Associates, Patent and Trademark Attorneys, Mumbai is organizing the Fourth B. Krishna Memorial National Intellectual Property Moot Court Competition for the year 2012.
This year's Moot Court Problem deals with some core patent law issues like penalty provisions and compulsory licensing provisions.
The details of this year's competition are:
Dates of the Competition: 6th-8th January, 2012
Venue: Symbiosis Law College, Pune
Last Date of Submission of Memorials: 22nd December, 2011
Last Date of Registration: 11th November, 2011 (Limited Seats)
Interested students are requested to submit their names by writing to mcs.iitkgp@gmail.com by 14th October, 2011.
In the event of more than one team interested in participating in the competition, an internal selection will take place in the last week of October.