The Fourteenth S.C. Javali Memorial National Moot Court Competition
The S.C. Javali Memorial National Moot Court Competition will be held from the 29th to 30th October, 2011 at University College of Law, Dharwad.
An interesting and challenging Moot Problem on 'Right to Privacy' is specially prepared by Shri Mohan V. Katarki, Advocate, Supreme Court, New Delhi for the said competition.
Law Colleges/Institutions willing to compete should confirm their participation by sending the duly completed registration form on or before 22nd October, 2011.
Every team will have to submit written Memorials on behalf of both the parties to the case by 9-00 a.m. on the 29th October 2011 which will be the first day of the competition.
For any information or clarification, visit or write to college at
You may also contact:
College: 0836- 2448177
Principal: (Res) 0836-2797780, 2442319; Cell: 098454 31663
Prof. S.C. Malagi: (Res) 0836-2776566; Cell: 09980627305
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