ISIL Ninth Summer Course on International Law
The ISIL organizes every year a Summer Course in international Law to bring to you the current developments and their importance. We are pleased to announce that the ISIL Ninth Summer Course will commence from Monday. 24th May 2010, to Friday 4th June 2010.
The topics will relate to: Public International Law, Private International Law, International Institutions, International Trade and Business Law, International Humanitarian Law, Refugee Law and International Criminal Law with special reference to International Criminal Court.
The Society will endeavor to make available the best expertise available in the respective fields as course instructors, which would include noted academicians, governmental, non-governmental and UN officials etc.
The course will comprise classroom lectures, discussion, counseling and library consultation, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. The Course fee would be Rs. 2,000/- for students and Rs. 2,500/- for teachers and lawyers. Maximum 300 participants can be admitted on the basis of first-cum-first serve.
Demand drafts shall be drawn in favor of the Indian Society of International Law. At the end of the course a certificate of participation will be given to all the participants.
Download Invitation Letter