National Law University, Bhopal - Admission Notification 2011
The National Law Institute University has earned a front line status of an institution imparting quality legal education, conducting research in cutting edge areas of law and organizing workshops, seminars and training programs. In its brief journey of about a decade, it has been able to carve out a niche for itself in academic excellence and placement of its students. The University now stands as one of the most reputed legal institutions and has been rated consistently as one of the best law Universities in the country.
Admission Procedure:
Students will be admitted to this programme based on the merit prepared on the basis of marks obtained in 10th, 12th and graduate level and personal interview.
Candidates having Bachelor's degree in any disciplines from a recognized University or a qualification declared by the University as equivalent to it and recognized as such.
Student Intake:
Approximately 60 students may seek admission in the P.G. Diploma in Cyber Law.
Seats Distribution:
All Reservations for various categories as per the rules of the NLIU apply. In case application of some other reservation has to be brought in force and likewise seats have to be adjusted, it may then be incorporated.
P.G. Diploma in Cyber Law (Regular) is spreaded over two semesters. Each semester will have three courses.
How to apply:
Application Form-cum-Information Brochure can be obtained from the University in person or on request. The request letter must be superscribed "Request for P.G. Diploma in Cyber Law (Regular) Application form". Application form with details is also available in the website Cost of application form is Rs. 500/- to be paid in cash or through DD of any nationalized bank drawn in favour of 'Director, National Law Institute University, Bhopal, payable at Bhopal'. In case of downloaded forms from website, DD may accompany the completed application form, without which it shall be summarily rejected. The eligible candidates shall apply for admission on the Admission Form prescribed by the University and send to the Registrar, National Law Institute University, Kerwa Dam Road, Bhopal-462044. For any Query Contact us on: 0755-2696722,+91- 9479961193 or write on e-mail
Last Date:
Last Date for Submission of Application Form of PG Diploma in Cyber Law (Regular/Distance Mode) is extended till 1st August, 2011
Download Information Brochure -cum- Application Form