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Fourth edition of the CLAT conducted on 15th May 2011
The West Bengal National University of Judicial Sciences, Kolkata organized the examination this year. As many as 23,875 candidates have registered to appear for the exam.

In Bangalore, out of the 1,068 students registered to appear for the UG test, 987 appeared. As many as 101 candidates are appearing for the PG test. Of the 101 students who registered for the PG test, 87 of them appeared for the exam.

Candidates conveyed mixed responses after they emerged from the examination. A large number of students felt that the question paper was too lengthy and hence they were unable to complete it on time. Also, a majority of the students felt that the papers were tough when compared to previous years. Several students seemed to experience difficulty in handling English passages.

Though students from the science stream found the Mathematics paper easy, it was a tough nut for arts students.

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