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Live-in Relationship
1. Introduction:India a country of cultural values and rituals, ceremonies cannot afford to plunge into western society. But since growing economy and...more >>
Rating:   by 47 users
Published by Sandip Bhosale

Strengthening Consumer Protection against Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights
"Consumer is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to only so far as it may be necessa...more >>
Rating:   by 11 users
Published by Sandip Bhosale

Indian Judiciary: Protection of Rights of Children
1. Introduction:The role of the India Judiciary and the scope of judicial interpretation have expanded remarkably in recent times, partly because of t...more >>
Rating:   by 35 users
Published by Sandip Bhosale

Good Governance and Fundamental Rights
"Good governance is perhaps the single most important factor in eradicating poverty and promoting development."          &nbs...more >>
Rating:   by 9 users
Published by Sandip Bhosale

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