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CLAT 2012: Students upset over Static GK questions; Result on 28th May
The Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 2012 elicited mixed response from aspiring lawyers after the exam on 13th May, 2012 at 46 centres across 20 cities.

Many found the paper simple, while some said it was tricky. Students felt that Mathematics and English appeared to be easy scoring, whereas the rest were a little tough. Experts said there were many surprises in store for students this year, as the pattern for many sections had changed.

The CLAT website ( categorically stated that the General Knowledge section would “only test students on their knowledge of current affairs (broadly defined as matters featured in mainstream media between March 2011 and March 2012).”

According to experts, the sections that took students by surprise included general knowledge and legal aptitude. The GK section deviated from the format as informed on their site. There were about 20-22 questions from static GK and the rest were current affairs. Students found static GK a little difficult to attempt. Again, the CLAT website was clear that “Candidates will not be tested on prior knowledge of law or legal concepts.”

The logical reasoning section was dominated by verbal logic, whereas 'legal aptitude' was again a surprise for the students.

As many as 25,769 students applied for the test that holds the key to gaining admission to the 14 prestigious law schools in the country, including National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore, with 1,702 UG seats.

The two-hour exam consisted of English, general knowledge, elementary mathematics, legal aptitude and logical reasoning. It had both multiple-choice and 10 short-answer questions. The result will be announced on 28th May, 2012 and will be uploaded on the CLAT website.
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