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Lawyers can practice in all courts soon: Veerappa Moily
Indian lawyers will be able to practice in all courts and tribunals across India irrespective of which bar council they are enrolled in, after law minister Veerappa Moily said he would notify long-pending section 30 of the Advocates Act 1961. The notification is expected to be issued either on 7th or 8th June.

Section 30 of the Act states:

Subject to provisions of this Act, every advocate whose name is entered in the State roll shall be entitled as of right to practice throughout the territories to which this Act extends,-
(i) in all courts including the Supreme Court;
(ii) before any tribunal or person legally authorized to take evidence; and
(iii) before  any  other  authority  or person  before whom  such advocate  is  by  or  under  any  law  for  the  time  being  in  force entitled to practice.

Currently advocates can only practice in courts within a state in which they have enrolled with the bar council.

Mr. Moily also added that under his vision statement to reduce the pendency of cases was progressing well, with Rs 1,000 crore out of Rs 5,000 crore having been released by the 13th finance commission to extend subordinate court working hours.

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